The institutional investor owned 2,039,416 shares of the company’s stock after selling 29,447 shares during the quarter.

boozefighters mc chapter locations MGNI Stock Report Card Today's performance $11.78 -0.33 ( -2.73%) Market Cap $ 1.57B Today's Volume 1.26M shares Volatility Technicals Sentiment Profit Performance Forecast Earnings Dividend C Performance Score: 94 /100 A+ MGNI returned -15.46% in the last 12 months.Nuveen Asset Management LLC decreased its stake in Fastenal (NASDAQ:FAST – Get Rating) by 1.4% in the 3rd quarter, Holdings reports. The firm currently has an.1392 TTD to NZD exchange rate Feb, 20 Trinidadian Dollar to New Zealand Dollar conversion data by Conversion Ai provides historical chart price for 1392 Trinidadian Dollar to New Zealand Dollar with easy to use tools like 1392 TTD to NZD converter to help you get the best 1392 TTD to NZD quote today. Magnite, the world's largest independent sell-side ad tech company, was formed by the merger of Rubicon Project …Magnite (MGNI) NASDAQ: MGNI Stock Analysis Analyst Forecasts Technical Analysis Chart Earnings Dividends Financials News & Insights Insider Trading Crowd Wisdom Hedge Funds Similar Stocks Blogger Opinion Risk Analysis Magnite (MGNI) Stock News & Sentiment 2,158 Followers Portfolio The Fly Roku price target raised to $70 from $50 at Truist 5d ago synonym likedMagnite ( NASDAQ:MGNI – Get Rating) had its price target raised by Royal Bank of Canada from $15.00 to $16.00 in a report published on Tuesday, Benzinga reports. Thousands of publishers around the globe rely on our technology to sell advertising on their terms and across every channel and format - including CTV, desktop, mobile, and audio.Image source: Getty Images. Currency in USD Follow 2W 10W 9M …Magnite (MGNI) Stock Price & Analysis 2,158 Followers Portfolio MGNI Stock Chart & Stats Advanced Chart > $13.76 $0.24 (1.78%) At close: Feb 17 4:00 PM EST ― … keiserblackboard On CNBC's 'Mad Money Lightning Round,' Jim Cramer said Silvergate Capital Corp (NYSE: SI) is a good company, but he wants to see what Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ:On CNBC's 'Mad Money Lightning Round,' Jim Cramer said Silvergate Capital Corp (NYSE: SI) is a good company, but he wants to see what Coinbase Global Inc (NASDAQ: not the onion reddit Magnite is the world's largest independent omnichannel sell-side advertising platform. (MGNI) NasdaqGS - NasdaqGS Real Time Price. (MGNI) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance Magnite, Inc. The business’s fifty day simple moving average is $11.22 and its 200-day simple. Magnite has a 52 week low of $5.59 and a 52 week high of $14.89. MGNI Stock Report Card Today's performance $11.78 -0.33 ( -2.73%) Market Cap $ 1.57B Today's Volume 1.26M shares Volatility Technicals Sentiment Profit Performance Forecast Earnings Dividend C Performance Score: 94 /100 A+ MGNI returned -15.46% in the last 12 months.Shares of Magnite stock opened at $13.56 on Tuesday.